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Future of AI: How It Will Transform Transportation, Cities, Health, and Technology

The Future of AI most of our everyday tasks will be carried out by artificial intelligence: from cooking to cleaning, from shopping to entertainment, everything will be optimized, personalized and automated by an AI.


As many imagine, the way we travel will also change drastically. Autonomous vehicles will be the norm, in the new era. Coaches, buses, trains and even planes can all operate autonomously. If accidents and accidents end, these vehicles will communicate with each other to optimize the flow of traffic and avoid collisions. And we will not move solo on the surface. Space tourism could become as common as a trip to another country today. With companies like SpaceX advancing in space travel and a large number of companies planning tourist trips to space, by the year 2100, we could be vacationing on Mars!

Future of AI: Greener cities

Fortunately, our urban cities can become true “urban jungles”, where nature and architecture appear very intertwined with technology. GPT-4 imagines forests covered in vegetation, absorbing carbon dioxide, producing oxygen and providing habitats for a variety of species. All filled, in addition, with vertical farms with several floors that use hydroponics and artificial light to cultivate. New clean energy sources can be as common as winds, using algae biofuels or energy generated from our daily activities.

Future of AI: Health

Perhaps the field will undergo a more transformative evolution. In the year 2100 we could live with a small device coupled to the blood stream capable of monitoring health in real time, predicting illnesses even before symptoms appear; a guard doctor who never rests, who dedicates 24 hours a day to monitoring our health. Biotechnological advances can also lead to personalized medicine, where treatments adapt to your unique genetic structure. Furthermore, we may not be immortal, but aging could be treated as an “illness” that could be delayed or even reversed and our life expectancy could increase significantly, perhaps up to 150 years or more.

Future of AI: Technology throughout

The Internet of Things (IoT) will become the Internet of Everything. Devices, household appliances, vehicles, buildings and even cities will be interconnected, exchanging data and interacting in real time. Our car will communicate with the coffee machine so that, the moment you arrive at home, a fresh cup of coffee is waiting for us. And like this example, much more. By itself, it was little, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) could be part of our daily life. Whether for entertainment, education or social interaction, these technologies will offer immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds with unprecedented realism.

Despite everything, IA also worries about risks. Plant that privacy problems, data security and possible technological dependence will become perfectly valid concerns in society, so we must ensure that both the use and development of these technologies lead to a responsible and respectful path with the citizens.

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