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US Conducts Flight Operations in Guyana after Venezuela’s Referendum on the Essequibo Region

US Conducts Flight Operations in Guyana 

The United States has recently conducted flight operations in Guyana, demonstrating its support for the country’s sovereignty. This move comes after Venezuela’s referendum on the Essequibo region, which has sparked tensions in the region. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed Washington’s support for Guyana in a conversation with the country’s president, Mohamed Irfaan Ali.

Escalating Tensions in the Essequibo Region

The Essequibo region, located on the border between Guyana and Venezuela, has long been a contentious issue between the two countries. Venezuela has claimed sovereignty over the region, even though it has historically been under Guyanese control. The recent referendum held by Venezuela has further heightened tensions, as it aimed to legitimize its claim.

Guyana strongly rejects Venezuela’s claims and asserts its full sovereignty over the Essequibo region. The international community, including the United States, has recognized Guyana’s territorial integrity and supports its position.

US Support for Guyana

In a conversation with President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reaffirmed the United States’ support for Guyana’s sovereignty. He emphasized that the US stands firmly with Guyana and highlighted the importance of peaceful resolution and respect for international law.

The US flight operations in Guyana serve as a tangible demonstration of this support. These operations not only show solidarity but also reinforce Guyana’s sovereignty by upholding freedom of navigation in the region. The presence of US aircraft sends a clear message to Venezuela and the international community that any attempt to encroach on Guyana’s territory will not go unanswered.

Maintaining Stability in the Region

The US actions in South America are aimed at maintaining stability and ensuring the peaceful resolution of the dispute over the Essequibo region. As a regional power, the United States has a vested interest in a stable and secure Caribbean region.

The US recognizes that the territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela not only affects these two nations but also has potential ramifications for the wider Caribbean community. By actively supporting the country and upholding its sovereignty. The United States is contributing to the overall stability and security of the region.

In conclusion, the United States’ decision to conduct flight operations in Guyana after Venezuela’s referendum on the Essequibo region demonstrates its unwavering support for Guyana’s territorial integrity. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s conversation with President Mohamed Irfaan Ali further solidifies this support. These actions serve to maintain stability in the region and send a clear message to Venezuela and the international community. The United States is committed to upholding peace, promoting respect for international law. And ensuring a peaceful resolution to the territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela.

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